by chopra | May 18, 2020 | Tips
GES is open For your safety, we require all visitors and patients wear a NON-VALVED mask. The mask on the left NOT appropriate because it has a valve. The one on the right does not have a valve and is ok Feel free to call us, if you have any questions or...
by chopra | Aug 16, 2019 | Tips
By Russ Montgomery. These were the thoughts running through Dieuverge’s mind as the patch was removed from his eye. Having not seen well for a long time, Dieuverge was trying to comprehend what he was seeing. The photo here shows Dr. Chopra with the patient. Dieuverge...
by chopra | Oct 27, 2018 | Tips
With cooler temperatures comes the holiday both kids and adults look forward to all year long. Whether a vampire, monster, witch or princess, the best Halloween costumes usually involve creative make-up and sometimes cool colorful contact lenses. Before buying your...
by chopra | Aug 26, 2018 | Tips
Books, check, Pens, check, paper, check. Eyes,…? It’s Back-to-school season and in all the hustle and bustle, it is easy to forget that one simple fact: it is hard to learn if you can’t see. Unfortunately kids are terrible at diagnosing themselves. They...
by chopra | Jul 7, 2018 | Tips
Summer Fun in the Sun . . . With Eye Protection Summer is here and we all know what that means: fun in the sun, beaches, fireworks, and barbecue! Summertime should be known for fun, but as much as we love all these activities, they come with a higher risk of eye...
by chopra | Jul 3, 2018 | Tips
Just about anything! Fireworks during the 4th of July holiday are a source of severe eye injuries. According to the AAO, 8,500 people get hurt by fireworks each year in the U.S. and 2,000 of these are eye injuries with one-third of the eye injuries resulting in...